PBMS Group Changes to 5Lights

July 14, 2016

We are proud to announce that effective immediately, The PBMS Group, an affiliate of Pro Private Equity, LLC has been renamed 5Lights, LLC. 5Lights represents the foundational principles we believe make an exceptional company and are composed of 12 key building blocks that working together allow companies to become iconic.

5Lights partners with the founders and management teams of companies who show exceptional promise. The 5Lights team has deep and broad expertise delivering a wide range of services designed to enhance the 5Lights of a company. Our partnerships vary in scope, but usually include more than one of the following: Wisdom – the counsel of the collective team to guide and advise the management team in a board-like relationship. Work- elbow to elbow, sleeves rolled up, work to execute on mission critical projects. Resources – access to vast network of domain experts, business partnerships, other connections, and as needed, capital.

Growing a young or emerging company is a daunting task that requires sharp execution, the right team and a great strategy. It is the goal of 5Lights to enhance all of these in its partner companies.
